Mark Miller was founder and Director of the University of Oregon Drug Information Center for fourteen years. To date conducting more than four thousand presentations and in-service trainings, he has authored numerous publications, and was the primary developer of the nationally cited Drug Consumer Safety Education programs. Mark has held instructorships at the University of Oregon, Oregon Division of Continuing Education and the Oregon Board on Police Standards and Training. He has been a Research Associate at the Oregon Health Sciences University Biomedical Information Communication Center (BICC), and helped implement the Oregon ALERT Childhood Immunization Reporting Program.
Jerome Beck, Dr. P.H. started as an Information Specialist at the University of Oregon Drug Information Center, and went on to complete his Masters and Doctoral Degrees at the School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley. In addition to extensive teaching at the University of California, Jerome has authored numerous publications, and has been a Principle Investigator on Drug Trends, Methamphetamine Use, and Ecstasy for the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). He also specializes in research and evaluation of effective drug education programs.
James A Davis, Ed.D. Psychologist, Gerontologist, Educator and Advocate; has worked with Mark Miller since the 1970's coordinating and presenting numerous state-wide Senior Drug Safety presentations. Retired after 11 years as an award-winning professor at Marylhurst University, he has served decades on statewide commissions on Senior Services and Oregon Disabilities. James has also served on, or chaired numerous other state-wide Seniors and Disabilities Councils/Commissions over the last thirty years, resulting in an umatched level of expertise on these issues in Oregon. He is also chair of the National Coalition of Consumer Organizations on Aging, the advocacy arm of the National Council on Aging; and serves on the Board of Directors of the Oregon Consumer League. James received his bachelors in Political Science, Masters in Gerontology and Administration, and Doctorate in Educational Psychology/Gerontology, all from the University of Oregon.
Larry Becker, B.A., M.F.A., J.D. For fourteen years Larry practiced law in Illinois, Missouri and Oregon. He handled complex litigation and regulatory matters for the transportation industry, and various city and county governments. He consulted and deposed hundreds of expert witnesses, in dozens of disciplines. Larry authored two amicus briefs in cases before the Supreme Court, regarding conflicts between state and federal law. He trained both law enforcement and citizens on civil rights laws. His pro bono work includes research and civil rights training for the Civil Liberties Defense Center and Occupy Eugene legal committee. In addition, he started an SSI advocacy program and provided criminal defense for the indigent. After voters legalized cannabis in Oregon, Larry focused his expertise on the voter initiative process, the interplay between recreational and medical marijuana laws, and between state and federal marijuana laws.