Drug Consumer
Safety Rules
CDE-Center uses Drug Consumer Safety Rules pioneered at the University of Oregon Drug Information Center.
The rules provide responsible decision-making that complies with the Doctrine of Informed Consent. This allows for careful evaulation, and if used, to reduce the risks of harm and death.
The rules follow FDA guidelines for improved patient compliance.
Safety Rules
CDE-Center uses Drug Consumer Safety Rules pioneered at the University of Oregon Drug Information Center.
The rules provide responsible decision-making that complies with the Doctrine of Informed Consent. This allows for careful evaulation, and if used, to reduce the risks of harm and death.
The rules follow FDA guidelines for improved patient compliance.
Doctrine of
Informed Consent
A recommended approach to medical treatment decisions in which patients actively participate with their doctors.
Patients must have adequate information if they are to play a significant role in making decisions that reflect their own values and preferences, and physicians play a key role as educators in this process.
American Medical Association
Journal of Medical Ethics-2014
FDA Safe Use Initiative
Decades before the FDA started calling for greater safety education, the University of Oregon Drug Information Center Drug Consumer Safety rules were addressing the increasing rates of medication harm and death.
Based on the Doctrine of Informed Consent, the Drug Safety Rules allow for working with medical professionals to make responsible decisions and reduce the risk of harm and death.
Decades before the FDA started calling for greater safety education, the University of Oregon Drug Information Center Drug Consumer Safety rules were addressing the increasing rates of medication harm and death.
Based on the Doctrine of Informed Consent, the Drug Safety Rules allow for working with medical professionals to make responsible decisions and reduce the risk of harm and death.
Current Drug Education
Programs to reduce drug abuse are mostly directed toward illegal drugs.
Focused on improving self image or avoiding drugs, they provide no skills to deal with The Drug Technology. This ignores the realities on the ground of the drugs being used, and where harm and death are occurring in the greatest numbers.
In short, current efforts are merely whistling past the graveyard.
Programs to reduce drug abuse are mostly directed toward illegal drugs.
Focused on improving self image or avoiding drugs, they provide no skills to deal with The Drug Technology. This ignores the realities on the ground of the drugs being used, and where harm and death are occurring in the greatest numbers.
In short, current efforts are merely whistling past the graveyard.
Drug Consumer Safety Education
CDE-Center programs provide an inclusive approach to The Drug Technology, targeting all high risk areas with health-based decision-making skills and guidelines that reduce harm and death.
The Drug Consumer Safety Rules are in compliance with the FDA’s 2009 Safe Use Initiative guidelines.